
2024-08-09 10:11:58 GMT+0800

I just ordered my coffee, a hot long black (how I like it usually), at this quaint little cafe in the neighbourhood where I grew up. Feeka, as I've learned is something like a Scandinavian "siesta" equivalent, but for coffee time.

I like the vibes here. Coffee machine sounds, people chatting and getting on with business, freshly brewed coffee aroma. Weather out is alright, the typical Malaysian overcast, just how I like it. It's also still morning now so it's not too hot out. Well, I'm seated inside on a corner by myself so it's cool anyway. We got indoor climate control pretty much down. I wonder how much better it can get, maybe personal space climate control innovations? I think they're just called lighter clothing. Hey, what do I know. Fashion and clothing is not my lane so I'll not linger on this topic longer.

Even though I played Dota late into the deep night last night, I woke up feeling okay, albeit I can't lie that there is a grogginess that you just can't shake from a few hours of sleep. 4 hours-ish is something I can survive on but just not doable for a few days straights nowadays. I notice I start sniffling or sneezing after 3 consecutive nights of low sleep.

There's of course also another factor I'll take into account for how I feel or would feel. I took a Mental Wellness Day off work today, and I even snoozed notifications! That's a first for me. Usually I just left notifications on because I'm nosy like that. I originally even wanted to stay up to do some work-work last night but decided against it as I can't argue not being able to catch up to work as a good reason any more. There's always going to be more work, anyway.

I remember the last time I did one of these snapshot posts I mentioned recent events and the market. So maybe I'll do it again this time to have something to compare against. BTC right now is at above the $60k price range again, with it being under $55k only days ago. It's pretty swingy. An amalgation of bad jobs report, Japanese interest rate adjustments, and some riots? I don't know, I don't want to even pretend to know. Well I think I'm pretty used to choppy markets by now. I've seen $8 SOL, that's something else. Can you imagine that it's trading at $160 now? Other recent current events: Mr Beast cancellation, the Olympics in Paris, and... I don't really know what else. Oh, on a personal level, Jason - a close childhood friend - is visiting from NZ. The main reason I took MWD today is also to hang out with him.

I am preparing for a significant event in my life right now. Without skipping a beat, I have been working full-time for close to 10 years now. In a month's time, I will be taking a month fully off work to focus on my personal wellbeing. I guess you can say that I'll be taking a mental wellbeing month. I am still gathering ideas and reflecting and planning on what I will be doing each day. I am currently toying with the idea of doing yoga every day as my wife has suggested. Apart from that, I can also take time out to work on my pet life-sim game project that I have started. I also plan to incorporate some exposure to nature or local day-trips. After all, I will only have 9-6 to myself, when the wife is at work and the son is at school. I am also planning to buy a notebook and pen just to journal the whole month.

Right now, I am both anxious and excited. Anxious as I have expectations for it to do something or mean something to me, when it might be better off just taking it easy and impromptu. Excited as I have never had so much time off work in a long time, it will feel like a new experience to me and I can't wait to savour it in its entirety.

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Janson Chah
I write about personal stories, tech stuff, leadership, and life in general. Expect pointless ramblings, random thoughts. Minimum 1 post per week. (Edit: LIAR) Quality not guaranteed.